Our Route

Our Route

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Day Five - Pamplona to Puente de le Reina - 24km

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Today's route map showing elevation

What an amazing day. 
We left our hotel at 8.30 and walked for 4 or 5 km through Pamplona guided by the markers.  We met our first 'Camino angel' when we stopped for a coffee (you can replace coffee with pee) in a cafe on the outskirts of town. Gary went to the bar to order and the man next to him asked if we were walking the Camino - he then paid for our drinks, what a nice man!

We could see Alto Del Perdon from Pamplona helped by the 40 windmills that run along the ridge on either side of it. We speculated about the route of our ascent as we got closer. We were concerned as thunder storms were forecast and the clouds were looking ominous.

Medieval buildings

Half way up and we stop in Zariquiegui for a picnic and
to get our passport stamped in this old church 
It was quite a hike upwards. It was one of those times when you keep thinking you are nearly there but you never seem to make it! I was looking forward to reaching the pilgrim statues as they are always seem to be in any description of the walk. 

When we finally made the top and I walked over to hug a statue I had tears running down my face - my dream of doing this was really happening!

There were other pilgrims arriving all the time and we all gave each other our cameras, cell phones and Tablets as everyone wanted their photo taken here. There was an amazing atmosphere.

You can see the windmills behind the statues in this photo.

Then we had to begin our descent. 
I hate walking down hill at the best of times and this was steep and the pathway was loose stones and rocks. The guide book warned to take care in case you twisted an ankle! So we took it slowly.

It looks so much steeper when you are actually there.

Once down on flat-ish land we had a stop in an aubergue for a coffee and a cake and to meet some other hikers (from Ireland, Australia and Holland) before walking the final 8 km into Puenta de La Reina where we are staying tonight. 

He was scrounging cake at the albergue!


  1. What a great entry! It sounds like a very eventful day! How wonderful that you are so in the moment and connected to your experience. Living the dream!

  2. Hi Karen.. It is awesome that you are sharing your experience of your trip with others. I have been following your Blog and I especially enjoy the photos! The scenery is spectacular.


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